1691 Original and Unique NFTs with Passive Income



Get ready to claim SOL royalties from both the 1st and 2nd markets, along with three additional enticing incentives. It’s our way of celebrating your involvement and enhancing your experience in the dynamic world of Degen Pepe. Join in, and let’s elevate the journey together!


You have asked for it and we delivered!

Our goal is to make sure your involvement is highly profitable. To do so, we will set up several strategies after the launch to increase the overall value: royalties claim, token airdrop, reduce token supply, memes marketing & DAO community push, all togheter.

Embark on an exhilarating adventure with our NFT collection, crafted for sheer fun and to boost the value of $DPEPE Token!

For the #DpepeArmy, this is more than just a collection – it’s a gateway to exclusive rewards


nft tokenomics degen pepe memecoin solana

NFT Tokenomics prioritize sustainability and community rewards.

NFT sales allocation:

  • 70% to $DPEPE buybacks.
  • 20% to marketing.
  • 10% to the team.

Community Benefits: NFT holders enjoy monthly $SOL airdrops from secondary market royalties, $DPEPE Treasuty airdrop, and exclusive benefits like whitelist for new meme tokens launches.

Long-Term Growth: Our tokenomics aim to maximize community benefits and ensure sustainable growth.


Description of Secondary Market Royalty Airdrops for NFT Holders:

Degen Pepe Army NFT holders receive a monthly airdrop of royalties generated from secondary market sales of these NFTs. This process involves the following steps:

1. Royalty Collection: Each time a Degen Pepe Army NFT is sold on the secondary market, a predetermined percentage of that sale (20% as indicated in your documents) is collected as royalties.

2. Accumulation in a Dedicated Wallet: These royalties are accumulated in a specific wallet set aside for this purpose. The current wallet for collecting secondary market royalties is FsKCLs7qbuQYKwsUXD9cmUvHhGwfJdt2ihkVg1BQeNyZ.

3. Monthly Distribution: On a monthly basis, the accumulated amount in this wallet is then distributed (airdropped) proportionally among all Degen Pepe Army NFT holders.

4. Transparency and Documentation: Each airdrop transaction is documented for transparency, including the transaction URL and the total amount distributed.

The airdrops for Degen Pepe NFT holders will continue indefinitely, occurring monthly. To maintain the sustainability and value of these airdrops, there is a minimum threshold set: each airdrop will only be executed if the total accumulated royalties in the dedicated wallet reach at least 5 $SOL. This threshold ensures that the airdrops remain meaningful and beneficial to the NFT holders, while also reflecting the active trading and value of the NFTs in the secondary market.

This ongoing commitment to monthly airdrops, with a sensible minimum threshold, demonstrates a strong dedication to the community and adds an element of continual engagement and reward for being a part of the Degen Pepe ecosystem. 🐸✨


Date Status Transaction URL Total Amount Dropped
02/29/2024  Scheduled
03/31/2024  Scheduled
04/30/2024  Scheduled
05/31/2024  Scheduled
06/30/2024  Scheduled
07/31/2024  Scheduled
08/30/2024  Scheduled
09/31/2024  Scheduled
10/30/2024  Scheduled

The calendar will be updated monthly.

Date Total Amount Dropped

The calendar will be updated monthly.



In line with our commitment to enhance the value and exclusivity of the Degen Pepe NFT collection, we are implementing a structured price increment plan. This strategic move is designed to reflect the increasing worth of our NFTs and to incentivize early participation in our project.

Date Price
Launch Price 0.5 $SOL
10 February 2024 0.51 $SOL
20 February 2024 0.52$SOL
29 February 2024 0.53 $SOL
10 March 2024 0.54 $SOL
20 March 2024 0.55 $SOL
31 March 2024 0.56 $SOL
10 April 2024 0.57 $SOL
20 April 2024 0.58 $SOL
30 April 2024 0.59 $SOL
10 May 2024 0.60 $SOL
20 May 2024 0.61 $SOL
31 May 2024 0.69 $SOL

This incremental approach will continue up until June 20th, 2024, culminating in a significant milestone for our project, the Big Summer Airdrop.

Rationale Behind the Incremental Strategy:

1) Reinforcing Value: Gradually increasing the mint price underscores the uniqueness and scarcity of our NFTs.

2) Encouraging Early Engagement: This pricing model is designed to reward early adopters, affirming their foresight in backing the project.

3) Fostering Sustainable Growth: Incremental pricing aids in generating resources essential for the continuous development and expansion of our project.

We encourage our community members to seize the opportunity presented by the current minting price. This is not just digital art it’s a step towards being part of a pioneering movement in the Solana NFT space.


Treasury Airdrop Explained: A Milestone for Degen Pepe NFT Holders

Degens, mark Your Calendars for June 20th!

As a part of our ongoing commitment to the #dpepearmy and the continuous growth of the Degen Pepe project, we’re excited to announce the Big Airdrop happening on June 20th. This event is a significant milestone for our NFT holders and a testament to our dedication to rewarding our community.

What is the Big Airdrop?

The Big Airdrop is the final distribution of $DPEPE tokens from our treasury to all Degen Pepe NFT holders. It’s a substantial token airdrop, symbolizing our appreciation and recognition of your support and investment in our project.

How Does It Work?

– Eligibility: All holders of Degen Pepe NFTs as of June 20th are eligible for the airdrop.
– Distribution: The $DPEPE tokens will be distributed proportionally based on the number of NFTs held.
– Process: The airdrop will be executed automatically, and the $DPEPE tokens will be credited directly to the wallets holding the NFTs.

Why Is This Important?

  1. Rewards Loyalty: This airdrop is our way of giving back to those who have believed in and supported the Degen Pepe project from the early stages.2. Enhances Value: By distributing $DPEPE tokens, we’re directly enhancing the value proposition of holding our NFTs.3. Community Strength: This event is a celebration of our strong and growing community, underlining our philosophy of collective progress and success.

The Big Airdrop is more than just a distribution of tokens; it’s a celebration of our collective journey and the solidarity of our community. As we continue to grow and evolve, events like these reinforce our commitment to a community-owned future in the NFT space.

We believe the Big Airdrop will be a significant step in our journey and a boost to the Degen Pepe ecosystem. It’s more than just a token distribution; it’s a celebration of our shared vision and collective success.

Get ready to be a part of this exciting event. Together, we’re not just building a collection; we’re shaping the future of NFTs and crypto!

Community Treasury Ledger:

In the spirit of keeping things crystal clear and our trust levels sky-high, you’ll be able to snoop through the treasury spending right here:


– FAQ –

What are the Degen Pepe Army NFTs?

The Degen Pepe Army NFTs are the second major project of the Degen Pepe Army, following the $DPEPE token.

It’s a collection of 1,691 unique, tokenized PEPEs, each with a pool of 225 distinct traits. These NFTs are not just digital assets; they’re a unique digital identity for our community members and a way to strengthen our DAO Treasury.

Is there a pre-sale?

The presale ended January 31th at 00:00 UTC

What is the $DPEPE Buy Back Program?

Ever wondered how we make the most of market dips? Our Buy Back Program is all about leveraging the community treasury to purchase $DPEPE tokens when their prices dip. It’s like catching the perfect wave for our Degen Pepe Army!

Here’s the scoop: A whopping 70% of the $SOL we raise from NFT sales goes straight into this savvy program. And guess what? All the $DPEPE tokens we scoop up are set to be distributed among our NFT holders on June 20, 2024. Just in time to ride the wave of Solana Summer!

The best part? The distribution is proportional to the number of NFTs you hold. More NFTs, more $DPEPE tokens – it’s a win-win in true Degen Pepe style!

Exciting update:

from the treasury front! Yesterday, we successfully executed our first buyback, reinforcing our commitment to strengthen the community’s holdings. In true Degen spirit, we’ll be seizing every dip to accumulate more, ensuring our community grows stronger together. And remember, all new members will be welcomed with a generous airdrop! Get ready, because Solana summer is in full swing and we’re just heating up.

Community Treasury Wallet:


Community Treasury Ledger:



We’re here to make this thing as useful as it can be for our gang. Thanks, you absolute legends!

What if I own multiple NFTs?

If you own 2 or more NFTs, let’s say 10 NFTs, you are entitled to 10 airdrops.

There’s no cap on the number of NFTs you can hold, and therefore, no limit to the number of airdrops you can receive.

Essentially, the more NFTs you accumulate, the greater the benefits you reap.

What makes each NFT unique?

Each Degen Pepe Army NFT is one-of-a-kind, featuring unique combinations of traits like backgrounds, skins, eyes, outfits, companions, and more. With so many traits, no two PEPEs are the same, some being exceptionally rare.

I want to know more!

Join the DPEPE Community on Telegram


Are you part of the Frog Nation DAO?

Yes! Part of the actual team was Frog Nation DAO’s community members. Today the community has decidedly supported Solana and this has given strength to the project.

Spread Degen Pepe Love ♥️